Yay! The Weekend has arrived

All of my hobbies are clamoring for my attention. Three of my five betas finished so my first novel whispers to me. I’ve been watching YouTube crafting videos and I’m all fired up to follow in their footsteps and make my own. And I’m reading some really great books–a horror anthology with a captivating story that I’m in the middle of called Whitsable by Stephen Volkbest-horror and a novel The Turner House by Angela Flournoy.flournoy In addition, my own writing projects call to me, not insistently, not impatiently I’m more in a world building stage for one and the other? Well, yeah, I should work on the other for sure. I don’t want to lose the thread of it. That would be disastrous.

So, fun weekend ahead for the introvert, yours truly, Casie.

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